Saturday, October 22, 2011

A "Jesus Film" Story in Mozambique-Sept, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

At dusk, as I traveled in the African bush getting to a village church to show The Jesus Film, I asked fellow missionary Aimee Howarth, "How will they know when the film starts?" Of course, I am used to well publicized events with fliers, church bulletins or radio and TV commercials and lots of hype. I was also worried because it was getting dark and we were going to set up the projection equipment in the dark. In the very dark. No street lights, no house lights. Just headlights from the car and a few pen lights. Hearing my question, Aimee smiled and said, "When it gets dark and when they hear noise." (I soon realized that just the noise of our vehicle was announcing our presence.)

As we drove in, there were typical African huts scattered here and there. Every once in awhile we would see children playing or a woman doing chores. But, by the time the film was ready to start, close to 100 people were waiting quietly and watching us set up. We were also part of their entertainment.

Every time that we set up the equipment, it always amazed me that the team was able to do it. We'd arrive with the dust that our vehicle raised trailing behind us. The equipment boxes were unloaded and scattered with cords hanging out here and there. Once located, cords would be stretched for the speakers across the dirt, the screen set up and hung in front of shrubs and trees, the generator set up several feet away, the DVD player and projector connected delicately by Aimee, and the whole time I'm praying, "Lord, let this work." Remember, I worked as media director for thirteen years at First U.M. Church in Tulsa. I had everything in order, everything labeled, cords neatly wrapped (and color coded), equipment in place, no dust on speaker cords much less on the equipment. Now, showing The Jesus Film in the African bush, everything was a mess! But, to the glory of God, that mess worked!

Through that dusty equipment the Gospel of Luke was seen and heard. The Word of God was proclaimed! And, angels rejoiced when at the end, Mozambicans came forth to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. It wasn't a large number of people that came forth. There had even been hecklers in the audience. Many more people stayed in their place. But, they heard the Gospel. Those that came forth will be trained and discipled and they are now a light in the darkness.

I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.  
John 8:12 The Amplified Bible

Yours in Christ, the Light of the world,


P.S.  The pictures below add joy and smiles to this story.  Enjoy!

Pastor Tomas, in the suit with colorful tie, is the church trainer and pastor in the area where we showed The Jesus Film.  Here he is pictured with his family and a church planter to his left.

Before showing the film, Pastor Tomas' family prepared a meal and set a beautiful table for us.

As Aimee Howarth makes adjustments for the film, more and more people arrive.........

.......and wait for the film to start.

Aimee uses a pen light to see her way in the dark.

A big thumbs up.  We're ready to roll. 

The film begins with John 3: 16 & 17 in the local dialect.

On the screen Mary greets Elizabeth and the story from the Gospel of Luke begins.

Below are some of the children who were present.

"So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me."  Matthew 18: 4 & 5